Thomas Armitt

Global Manager of Planeterra

Meet Thomas, a dedicated catalyst for change in the world of tourism. With a wealth of experience, he’s witnessed the potential for both harm and transformative good that tourism can bring. From his journey across diverse regions, Thomas has seen the negative impact of irresponsible tourism practices, but he’s also experienced the positive changes that can occur when tourism is designed with the wellbeing of communities, ecosystems, and cultures in mind.

As a Global Manager at Planeterra Foundation, Thomas is on a mission to inspire others to embrace a responsible approach to tourism. His work revolves around creating and managing community tourism enterprise development projects, all while addressing the pressing climate and biodiversity crises. He firmly believes in the power of collaboration among public, private, and third sector stakeholders to drive meaningful change.

Thomas’s vision extends beyond the realm of tourism – he sees it as a building block for a more just, tolerant, and compassionate world. Through his efforts, he aims to ensure that tourism becomes a force for positive transformation, benefiting destinations, businesses, and the people who call them home.